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Contributed by lovingcritters on Thursday, 12th August 2004 @ 06:36:11 AM AEST
Topic: true


The traffic was extremely heavy for this time of night. A night without a moon or stars, evidently clouded over. It was all I could do to see with my headlights. I noticed from my left side view mirror, a constant bright light darting in an out of the traffic behind me. Then it happened. I barely saw the car, but I felt it beside me. A pressure too close not to feel, and yet, I knew I was being shoved to the right. My hands froze on the wheel, watching the cars in front of me and also those passing me all night, I knew approximately where the edge of the road should be. A huge car swerved directly in front of me......no space to breath. I either headed for the ditch, or I ended up in the traffic approaching me from behind. Moments like this in your life, you don't have time to make a decision, you just hang on for dear life. My young son sitting beside me yelled, "Look Mom, it's Dad!" His attempt to run us off the side of road had failed. He had stopped his car and was signaling us to stop also. My son begged me, "Go back Mom.....he's waiting to tell us something!" I'm a very kind person, and he had learned down through the years, that if he could make me feel sorry for him, he could get by with "Murder." This was one time his play on my emotions was not going to sway me. I was never going to stop for him ever again, this time he had gone too far.

How do you tell a young child that his father has just attempted to kill you both? How do you make him understand that you never want to see this person again as long as you live? After all this person is his father! A split second decision, and I knew I would never tell him, until I put many miles between us and this very sick man! After all, the court had commanded my son to visit him, I didn't want to scare him, or plant ideas in his head, and so I said very calmly. "We have to get home, no time to stop tonight son." I knew then that he had been stalking us. We had left the convention at the same time, and stopped for gas, then had supper with friends. What are the chances he could suddenly come upon us unless he had followed us closely, going everywhere we had gone? Then I felt the fear. It was not over, it had just begun. I knew we were in mortal danger!

After much prayerful thought, I decided the best move would be to take him back to court. I had learned that you must go back to the Judge that decreed the divorce, and didn't want to do that, so tried to take him to another court in the County where I lived.. We went before a woman judge. I had the opportunity to tell my story, and she was most empathetic to my plight, but as I had suspected, she explained she could not help me. The law stated I must got back to the same Judge. The judge that had literally fallen asleep during my divorce proceedings. He was also a high school buddy of my former husband, very much biased toward his interests. So I don't have to tell you where that left me! There were times during the divorce proceedings when they actually conversed on a one name basis. It was unbelievable!!! I watched the stenographer as she took her notes, I wondered if she was aware of the gross injustice she was copying on her steno-pad? Probably not, and even if she did, what difference did it make to her, this was no affair of hers, she had a good paying job, why should she be concerned? When the Judge said, "It's just your word against his". I knew not to protest. He had threatened me before with "Contempt of Court" charges if I opened my mouth, so I stood quietly waiting until I could leave. My former husband could afford an attorney, I could not!

My home was about 30 miles away, and as I was driving back, so many thoughts bombarded my brain. I realized the law was not going to protect me, and like so many other woman that had asked for help and came up with nothing, I too, was going to die. If I had only known then what was waiting for me in my future. I've often thought, would you have gone ahead with your plan? Would you have run away in the dark of the night without anywhere to go? Would you have placed yourself and son in more jeopardy than either of you could ever imagine? And if you had it to do over again, would you still make the same decision that placed you in a very unique group, one looked down upon by all society, and hated by many because they were thought to be irresponsible? A group that is not shown compassion no matter how grave their circumstances may be. We were about to feel what everyone in this group feels every day of their lives. We were going to be "Homeless" through no fault of our own!

This is my true story,
continued with each submission
until the end of the story.

Written by
August 13, 2004

Copyright © lovingcritters ... [2004-08-1206:36:11]
(Date/Time posted on site)

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Re: HOMELESS (User Rating: 1)
by Ilhar on Thursday, 12th August 2004 @ 06:59:44 AM AEST
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well done and a story that needs to be told...you strength and faith is heartwarming


Re: HOMELESS (User Rating: 1)
by AspenGlow on Thursday, 12th August 2004 @ 07:34:03 AM AEST
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I was right, this matches your poetry.

Excellent, and this story needs to be continued, and needs to be published, there are so many out there like this..at the mercy of an animal and the good ole buddy system.

You have a fan!!!

Re: HOMELESS (User Rating: 1)
by Former_Member on Thursday, 12th August 2004 @ 02:24:32 PM AEST
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Connie, it is so brave of you to post your story for all to hear. This is a tremendous start and I know there are tears to come. I will be there for each one.

Much love,

Re: HOMELESS (User Rating: 1)
by emystar on Thursday, 12th August 2004 @ 11:50:20 PM AEST
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Can't wait for the rest. This could be a hair raising movie.
Great writing!
Yo've really been thru it. One can tell this with this first write.
No wonder u r so luving and compasionate to others.
It's obvious this guy doesn't have feelings for anyone but him self.
Luv, huggs,
yo brat,

Re: HOMELESS (User Rating: 1)
by Jenni_K on Saturday, 14th August 2004 @ 07:08:28 PM AEST
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Wow Connie.....this was an awesome write... You are a woman of great strength.... I do not know what I would have done in a situation like this... Story well told.....looking for part 2 now.


Re: HOMELESS (User Rating: 1)
by venkat on Monday, 16th August 2004 @ 02:00:13 AM AEST
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Aww..its great..I will check up part2. venkat

Re: HOMELESS (User Rating: 1)
by LOWMAN613 on Monday, 16th August 2004 @ 10:40:12 PM AEST
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AAWW Con theres no wonder you have such a warm heart for others youve been through it all! You have so much strength to post this for us to read,How do you do it I think I'd fall apart! Christina

Re: HOMELESS (User Rating: 1)
by lilch4ever on Wednesday, 18th August 2004 @ 07:16:37 PM AEST
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Wow that was a very good story yet soooo sad. I admire your strength. Keep moving on and things will get better. I know someone who went through this but a little different. Well, take care and always stay strong. :)

Re: HOMELESS (User Rating: 1)
by critterhideaway on Monday, 30th August 2004 @ 11:40:56 PM AEST
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This is very good writing, and so true. How many times I heard, "we can't do any thing till something happens. How uncaring the legal system is.

Re: HOMELESS (User Rating: 1)
by a_bear on Friday, 3rd September 2004 @ 04:38:04 PM AEST
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I couldn't help but wonder how many readers will shake their head about a sleeping judge. Don't! I clerked for one when we lived in San Antonio, Texas. I also looked after his money clip and other things. Judges do get old and fall asleep..a good clerk takes careful notes.
Great Story.. hope it's not based on truth!!! They say write what you know... I'm hoping not. Read more later. Great so far!

Re: HOMELESS (User Rating: 1)
by Essentially9 on Friday, 13th May 2005 @ 09:35:47 PM AEST
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::wants to wring the fathers neck:: ::the judges neck also:: grr. this was a wonderul story, consue. no one could have written this just as well as this. ::still in a mood to strangle a few men for their stupidity and irresponsibility::

Re: HOMELESS (User Rating: 1)
by Archie on Saturday, 6th August 2005 @ 02:18:23 PM AEST
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Wow is all I can say. It must be very hard. Your story is very moving your situation scary. I will be praying for you.

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