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Contributed by lovingcritters on Friday, 12th May 2006 @ 12:14:36 PM AEST
Topic: inspirational

I created this for
a dear friend who
has brought so much music
into my life........for his big


My granny had a teapot, it was no ordinary teapot.
A Special antique teapot, too precious to use, not untaught
For my Granny repeated "A thing of beauty is a joy forever."
Squashing my nose against the glass, for looking at it was
such a pleasure!

She would often relate, "That teapot belonged to your great-great-
grand-mother, and it's my little 'nest-egg."
She told me how it's very valuable and when she gets old,
she won't have to be a burden to anyone or have to beg.
To me my Granny was old now, and no matter what
happened we knew she'd never sell it.
It was her only treasure, and she'd keep it until death
she would submit.

Then a horrible, dreadful thing happened, and I was
there to witness the whole affair,
It was at Christmas time, and only then, my
Granny would use the Teapot with care.
It was after the big family dinner she would always
reply. "Let's have some tea now."
It was our signal that she would use her valuable
teapot, with raised brow.

Milling happily in Granny's kitchen enjoying our tea...
Red quarry tiles lined her back kitchen floor, I remember
we all felt so cozy.
A crash like no other I've heard, broke the coziness
like a bomb had been dropped~!
A dull sickening feeling in my gut, as my heart stopped!

If only we could turn the clock back right at this moment!
Perhaps we could erase what had just happened for any
I knew without even looking, my Granny's teapot had
been shattered!
It was my Uncle who had accidentally dropped
it on the tiles........ my Granny's spirit conquered!

Sharp, jagged pieces surrounding a pathetic heap
of soggy tea leaves,
Then I saw my Granny's face, I'll n'er forget her
expression as her heart leaves.
Her only lifetime treasure, so precious, so beautiful
and irreplaceable gone forever!
Her future was no longer insured, her only lifeline to
the past in pieces and severed!

Her son scrambling all over the floor on his hands and knees......
Scooping up the pieces not being careful.....he threw them
hurriedly upon the trash bin erasing the crises
"Whatever are you doing?" my Granny painfully exclaimed.
"Mother, that teapot will never hold tea again!" he

Tearfully my Granny simply would not accept this
terrible thought.........
"Anything can be mended," she declared and pushing
past him, snatched the pieces carefully her apron caught.
We departed with sad hearts on that fateful Christmas night
I didn't see Granny for many months, and often thought
could she glue her teapot so it would look all right?

In July that summer we paid her a visit, and the first thing
I did was rush into her dining room.
Pressing my nose against the glass I looked for the teapot,
'twas like a 'darkroom'
No teapot was seen, only a dark circle where the velvet
showed it had once stood so proudly.
I could feel my heart start to hurt, it was all achy.

My poor Granny, she had failed to save her lovely
teapot from it's demise.
As I turned I saw it on the kitchen window ledge,
or what was left of her gorgeous prize.
Sadly she had not managed to find all the pieces;
most of the spout was missing,
The lid was missing, and the handle looked very odd.
holes and cracks went begging.

But my Granny had 'green fingers' and she could make
anything grow, anywhere!
Her tender touch could heal anything with care,
except glassware.
Out of those holes now were orange flowers and tiny little
I stood there taking this beautiful scene in, I was in
a trance!

Miniature fern and variegated ivy poked their little heads
through the gaps......
As well as begonia with tiny sunflowers cascaded
from the hole where the lid caps.
It reminded me of an over-filled washing machine
as the soap bubbles escape over the side.....
It was so beautiful, it took my breath away,
I almost cried.

"It's not the same; it never will be," said my Granny"
coming up behind me as I gazed....
"But then I knew it wouldn't be the same, it's still a thing
of beauty and in a different way, my joy appraised"
I could tell my Granny was trying to make herself feel
better, like yesterday's rain.......
I wondered what she thought about the person that
caused her so much pain?
She was furious with him at first, but later she must
have set aside all her resentment to love him again.

Teapots don't break all by themselves, there
must be someone to blame.....
This is a true story sent to me in an email........
I was so touched, I wanted to add to it's fame.
How many times has your teapot been shattered?
Down and out, broken marriage, death of a loved one,
homeless, an illness, or a child horribly battered?

Let go of your image of your precious teapot,
never look back and try to repair,
Pick up the pieces of your life filling in the gaps with
beautiful flowers, for no one lives that won't err!
No, your life will never be the same again, but with
lots of love and forgiveness, you can use it for
another purpose.

To comfort another with your flowers, be compassionate,
remembering how it hurt when your teapot was broken.
Forgive whomever it was that broke your treasured
love, dream or left your heart barren.
"Tis human to err, but please forgive....... and be like our
Loving Heavenly Father, Divine.
When teapots break in others lives...........
help them pick up their pieces and
bring them your comforting

I wish I knew whom I could
give credit for this
lovely story.

The ending and the poem
are mine.

Created by
May 09, 2006

From the Bible
2nd Corinthians

*70 Happy Birthday Smiles
for you Dick, and many
many more precious

Copyright © lovingcritters ... [2006-05-1212:14:36]
(Date/Time posted on site)

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Re: THE BROKEN TEAPOT (User Rating: 1)
by Elizabeth_Dandy on Friday, 12th May 2006 @ 07:03:01 PM AEST
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Oh ConSue this simply a delightful story and what a whealth of teaching to take to heart.
Indeed all of us suffer the loss of something we cherish so much that we thank life is unbearable, - and yet we are given the strength to carry on, - perhaps even wiser, and more mature to be able to put into practice what the morale of this beautiful poem is all about.

Thanks for sharing with us this deep and inspiring narrative.
Warm love

Re: THE BROKEN TEAPOT (User Rating: 1)
by desireemiote on Saturday, 13th May 2006 @ 08:46:32 AM AEST
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I felt like I was the narrator hoping to see a mended teapot and everything.
Megan(and her bun in the oven)

Re: THE BROKEN TEAPOT (User Rating: 1)
by Jenni_K on Monday, 15th May 2006 @ 09:01:04 PM AEST
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Oh Connie..I thank you so much for leading mw to this..it is so full of hope and inspiration. Thank you again...so much , for being the lady the woman that you are...
Hugs, love and appreciation always,

Re: THE BROKEN TEAPOT (User Rating: 1)
by tifrob on Friday, 27th July 2007 @ 07:34:40 PM AEST
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I really enjoyed reading about this teapot. Of course, I was hoping for a full recovery of Granny's teapot. Not realistic but my family says I live in a dream world ( I correct them and insist upon my correct address, Fantasy Island)...lol So, in my world Granny's teapot could have made a full recovery. But then I would have missed life's little lesson.

You did a wonderful job,


Re: THE BROKEN TEAPOT (User Rating: 1)
by ki on Wednesday, 2nd January 2008 @ 12:09:32 AM AEST
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this was great!!enjoyed reading it!


Re: THE BROKEN TEAPOT (User Rating: 1)
by connorbu on Thursday, 24th December 2009 @ 05:21:35 PM AEST
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Re: THE BROKEN TEAPOT (User Rating: 1)
by connorbu on Friday, 8th January 2010 @ 07:19:51 PM AEST
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Re: THE BROKEN TEAPOT (User Rating: 1)
by connorbu on Friday, 8th January 2010 @ 07:32:51 PM AEST
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Re: THE BROKEN TEAPOT (User Rating: 1)
by connorbu on Saturday, 9th January 2010 @ 02:52:58 AM AEST
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Re: THE BROKEN TEAPOT (User Rating: 1)
by connorbu on Saturday, 9th January 2010 @ 06:44:47 AM AEST
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Re: THE BROKEN TEAPOT (User Rating: 1)
by connorbu on Saturday, 9th January 2010 @ 10:19:55 AM AEST
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Re: THE BROKEN TEAPOT (User Rating: 1)
by connorbu on Saturday, 9th January 2010 @ 01:18:25 PM AEST
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Re: THE BROKEN TEAPOT (User Rating: 1)
by flossieswa on Saturday, 23rd January 2010 @ 03:36:25 PM AEST
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Re: THE BROKEN TEAPOT (User Rating: 1)
by flossieswa on Saturday, 23rd January 2010 @ 03:53:11 PM AEST
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