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Contributed by BSteel on Sunday, 26th February 2006 @ 03:50:33 PM AEST
Topic: Political

Dean’s Demise
If we analyze human nature and human actions one can deduce the difference between a prudent individual and one that is not. One will find that the family is the strongest unit ever established. Any man who denies that his morality, his view of his place in the world, his artificial constructs of how he sees himself in relation to this world is largely determined by this strong familial bond, is a misguided fool. The family is in fact the strongest unit that guides our morality. The family is the atomic unit of consent that civilization is based upon. Now many will dispute why civilization came about the way it did, eg. Why did Britain and its liberal tradition prevail over the world? Others may also ask why the Roman Empire was superior to other civilization such as the great Aztecs, Mayan, Egyptian civilizations. Many try to deduce reasons why Rome came out on top. Some theorize the ever-present climate theory, which explains nothing of human nature. Some believe that Europeans were somehow inherently superior to other people. This theory has no rational basis for several reasons. In a time of science and technology where people are realizing that the universe is governed by certain laws, such as the law of gravity, that law applies everywhere, the law of climate does not account for racial mixing, genes being mixed to create some of the most extraordinary individuals. For if “whites” were somehow superior racial mixing would be impossible, just as a member of the primate species can not procreate with humans. When any family enters into society it is under certain conditions and unspoken bonds of respect for the various clans and consent is this implicit respect for the various members of a given civilization. When one further examines this unified theory of racial mixing creating a most conducive universe, one will ponder on the idea that the region that most proliferated this idea of racial mixing, even if it’s on a non-consent basis, was the Middle East. The various trade routes during times where commercial activity was developed forced the middle east to expand both racially and culturally and it was in their economic interests, the rational pursuit of alleviating anxiety is to expand you family’s interests, to do so involves putting your ego-centric views at the door and accepting the idea that economic activity is the best way to do this. No other proven rules for protecting the family’s interest has ever been developed or imagined. Prudence is the rational choice of all men to conduce themselves to the times in order to make the valiant attempt of improving their families interests. Oh, God, who can not remember the various attempts of various marauding men, marauding men that have always existed since the beginning of time, marauding men who make the decision to try to alleviate their anxiety of things they can not comprehend by giving themselves more power, and thus trying to justify their position by a perverted “Appeal to Heaven”. These men never have families don’t understand the concept of security, and expose themselves to any force that will sweep like the wind and offers a way to alleviate their anxiety of things they cannot understand. Man may possibly by governed by the laws of motion, but they are not desire and aversion as so envisioned by the much respected power politican Thomas Hobbes. Instead humans may be governed by the inherent double powerful feelings of anxiety that finds itself in two forms,
1. The anxiety of one owns self-preservation
2. The anxiety of things one can not understand nor comprehend
Now it is hard to found a balance between the two. Only through much time and experience can both be expanded.
Thus men that experienced conflict eg. Tragedy in their immediate family are in no way authorized to speak to those family clans that entered society, took the risk of crossing the sea, and took the risk, to try to bring prosperity to their family, And no veil of so called racial divisions can break this famail bond, no appeals to Marxism, no longer can man try to blind, the truths which every man feels, that is so evident in him. By ignoring the intimate bond of the family one is if I can use the words of a once respected thinker, I will twist his words and say that by ignoring the intimate bond of the family, man is in essence alienating himself from his true nature which as even thinkers such as Aristotle have propounded the importance of the family as a political unit. So when Howard Dean tries to harass those families that should be proud of their accomplishments he is instead blaming these successful families for the problems in the nation today. Dean is in effect compromising the values that this nation was established upon. If
One goes upon the logical premise that civilization everywhere across the world including great civilizations such as Maya, in China, you get the point that although the Roman civilization may have the most influence in the modern day, Rome is just another civilization that did what it had to survive and just happened to be the most influential civilization in the modern world. But this does not mean that there are any truths such as racial or ethnic superiority to be derived from this accidental occurrence. Remember those that outlast always outwrite and overwrite the true history of the world. Rome rewrote history in order to try to secure the security of their city-state which was in essence a natural extension of their family units.
The difference in the modern day exists that technology and science have provided the means to best provide for the self-preservation of all men and women.
Note: The term man actually refers to all humans; the word is only used to further discredit earlier thinkers that have used the word man. The word man just works better in a discourse. The idea of the roles of men and women is a distinctive agreement among individual families. No true man can deny his manliness but at the same time no true man can deny the rational equality of the person he chooses to build a family with. Husband and wife are like the protons and electrons of the atomic unit of the family, which forms civilization. Both wife and husband compliment each other by mutually checking the power of each other, and alleviating often differing anxieties depending on the balance of the two main anxieties, while in government some force is necessary to keep this bond, in the family, the bond of husband and wife is natural and consent is implicit.
Man’s property is thus the endowment from god to be provided the ability to use reason to deal with the twofold natural anxieties in a way that is most conducive to further ensuring the interests and security of that family.
To denounce the interests of your family is to denounce your property, A property that many argue is not for you to dispose at your will, but on the will of god, The invisible, incomprehensible programmer of this reality. To those immature men, those marauding bands of men without having the true notion of what it means to be in a family, Eg. Bin Laden, the rich son of a large family, Bin laden may have felt ignored by his family, look at the history of Saddam’s family, are these the type of people we want are family to emulate.
The atomic bond of family can preserve over veils of ignorance that often shrouds itself on those sophists that play on obvious visual differences such as race, and historically dictated predjuces such as ethnicity, and try to break the sacred bond of the family, just like in the civil war where brothers were tricked to kill eachother over the old notions of abstract thinkers such as Aristotle who try to justify slavery. But one can not blame Aristotle for such a justification, he merely was searching for a way to further solidify his family’s position in society at the time his nation’s security might have been jeopardized if not for the hard support though extremely unjust treatment of its slaves, those people that gave Aristotle’s nation the capacity to expand and survive. One would theorize that if Aristotle’s civilization would have lasted long enough and established through commerce and trade the proper measures to ensure security without the need for slavery, Thus, even Aristotle’s society would eventually have abolished slavery, just as most of our forefathers had the intention of creating a state that would be able to establish enough security to abolish things such as slavery and unequal rights among men and women. These men were merely prudent men who came to the sad conclusion that abolishing slavery at the time of independence was not a feasible option at the time.
Thanking the lord that such inequalities have been destroyed with the demise of such old institutions such as slavery, Yet economic inequality is actually a check, a safeguard for all families within the nation that cherish freedom and security both equally. Honor is an inherent feeling that is guided by reason, a rationization against corruption because those that have experienced the benefits of the economic system have the duty to protect those interests at all costs. Freedom is the idea that any family regardless of their background has the opportunity to advance their family’s interests. To deny such would be tyranny and an oligarchy is just a term that denotes slander when those that hold power and honor do not live up to their contract of protecting all the families in their nation.
Thus any man with any sense of reason, any sense of an honor that can not be destroyed by economic inequalities will see that the best way to respect their family need only simply to be seen,
A vote for Dean,
I s a vote against humanity.
Thus Dean’s Demise should coincide with those guys that abandon the principles of humanity, and make a subconscious attack on us. And
All things that could be.
Thus a state of nature is one of conflicting interests of family’s vs. those marauding men that denounce family and thus denounce reason and put themselves in a state of war with us, For how am I to trust a man that has no invested interest, nothing to lose nothing to love, reason would apply that this man is my natural enemy. As Hobbes once aptly said in so many words, that no society can be achieved in a state of war.

Copyright © BSteel ... [2006-02-2603:50:33]
(Date/Time posted on site)

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Re: Dean's Demise (User Rating: 1)
by NoSaint on Sunday, 26th February 2006 @ 05:47:32 PM AEST
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A strong well stated argument


Re: Dean's Demise (User Rating: 1)
by Ineedanap on Sunday, 26th February 2006 @ 08:59:34 PM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Great, great ardument. It did seem to go off on a strange tangent now and then but it never got completely off topic. Great voice and use of vocabulary

Re: Dean's Demise (User Rating: 1)
by Dalnik on Sunday, 25th June 2006 @ 01:10:34 PM AEST
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All I can say as I read this is I had questions, then they were answered, though as I read I woudered where you were coming from, as to your so evident knowledge, In thought of many words that come to my mind about knowledge and understanding of our human minds, they are quite limited to waht we are thought, and that is the genre of what you are saying. Someone I love was put to death for what He said and believed, and His own family said and thought He was crazy, I can give specific quotes, but I thinkn you may know Him. He was greatly miss understood by famliy and His so called pepole, what a person says and what a person hears is the problem in life, this I know, My pepole are destroyed for lack of knowledge, these pepole were destroyed for there great learning, but had no ture knowledge DIVINE KNOWLEDGE, what a family does and great learning does, is a paradox to divine knowledge or should I say paradox to great learning. A MASSIVE( paradineshift ) I couldnt find proper spelling for this word but I know you know what I mean.
So what I am saying is I think I may be hearing you and even agree to much but also know I dont understand what you are saying , just like I know that as you speak you know you dont either.

God Bless Great stuff I liked it Thank you

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