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Contributed by Lovingcritters on Monday, 18th July 2005 @ 09:59:53 PM AEST
Topic: true


Reflecting back on 50 years of my life......
Youth is no longer my companion, a friend lost
of many years past.
Calamitous days of old age are upon me at last.
No one delights in losing their youthful vigor,
Old age can be very distressing with it's many
trials and lack of laughter.

"'Tis the time when the keepers of the house tremble,
and the men of vital energy have bent themselves.
While the grinding women have quit working
because they have become few, and the ladies
seeing at the windows are found dark."

The "house" denotes the human body,
and the "keepers" are the arms and hands,
They protect the body and supply it's many demands.
In old age they often tremble with weakness and palsy,
"The men of vital energy--the legs--no longer
are sturdy pillars and the feet shuffle along bleakly.
The "grinding woman" or teeth may have decayed,
or been lost with few or all gone.
"Ladies seeing at the windows"--the eyes--become
dim, if not completely withdrawn.


"The doors onto the street have been closed,
when the sound of the grinding mill becomes low,
and one gets up at the sound of a bird, and the daughters
of song sound low."

The two doors of the mouth--the lips--no longer
open much or at all to express what is in the "house"
or the body,
Sounds of the grinding mill becomes low, as food is chewed
with toothless gums, not comfy.
On his bed an old man does not sleep soundly, even the
chirp of a bird will disturb him.
Few are the songs that he sings, and his rendering of
any melody is feeble and grim.
"All the daughters of song"--the melodic notes--"sound low"
The elderly one's hearing of music and song produced by
others is poor.
Many conversations, and important details are lost.
sounds heard unsure.


"They have become afraid merely at what is high,
and there are terrors in the way. And the almond tree
carries blossoms, and the grasshopper drags itself along, and
the caper berry bursts, because man is walking to his long-lasting
house and the waiters have marched around in the street."

At the top of high stair case, many of the aged are fearful
of falling.
Even looking up at something high many make them dizzy,
afraid of toppling.
When they must go out in the crowded streets, they are
struck with terror at the thought of injury.
The old man's "Almond tree carries blossoms" indicating
that his hair turns gray, then snow white and chalky.
He "drags himself along" perhaps bent over with arms hanging
down or hands resting on his hips with the elbows crooked
upward, resembling a grasshopper.
Bigger steps of his youth disappear, and are replaced with
ones labored and choppy.


An elderly person's appetite is no longer keen, even if the food
before him is as tasty as the caper berry.
These are the berries that have long been used to stimulate
appetite easily.
"The bursting of the caper berry" suggests that when an old
man's appetite diminishes, even this fruit fails to awaken
his desire for food.
Such things indicate that he is nearing "His long-lasting house"
his grave now viewed.


Your Grand Creator "before the silver cord is removed, and
the golden bowl gets crushed.
And the jar at the spring is broken, and the waterwheel for the
cistern has been crushed."
The "silver cord" may be the spinal cord for death is certain
when this marvelous pathway of impulses to the brain is
irreparably damaged and hushed.
The "Golden Bowl" may denote the brain, contained
in the bowlike cranium, attached to the spinal cord.
Golden for preciousness, the brain when broken down
spells death, where the mind is stored,
The "jar at the spring" is the heart, which receives the
stream of blood, and sends it out again for circulation
throughout the body.
At death, the heart becomes like a broken jar, shattered
at the spring because it can no longer receive, contain, and
pump out the blood vital for the body's nourishment and
refreshment ably.
A "crushed waterwheel for the cistern" ceases to turn,
ending circulation of the life-sustaining blood.
The Designer and Creator thus revealed the circulation of
blood in 1000 BCE long before 17th century physician
William Harvey thus worded.


The dust returns to the earth just as it happened to be
and the spirit itself returns to the True God who gave it.
Man's spirit or "life force", given by God returns to and
resides with our Creator to His credit.
If you did not forget Your Creator in your youth, and
remembered him in old age still......
Then your life has not been lived in vain, it has not
been all vanity if you continue to live and do His will.

I take no credit for
the beautiful words from the
Bible. They are God's and God's
alone. The explanations are mine,
as is the poem therein contained.

Created by
July 18, 2005
(Eccl 12: 1-14)

"Things said or done long years ago,
Or things I did not do or say,
But thought that I might say or do,
Weigh me down, and not a day
But something is recalled,
My conscience or my "vanity" appalled!"
~Williams Butler Yeats~
(Irish prose writer)
Nobel Prize winner for literature

*Old Age Smiles*

Copyright © Lovingcritters ... [2005-07-1809:59:53]
(Date/Time posted on site)

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Re: FROM YOUTH TO OLD AGE (User Rating: 1)
by LOWMAN613 on Tuesday, 19th July 2005 @ 12:43:00 AM AEST
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Oh Connie how beautiful you truly are! So wise too,I so loved this poem! Your words are so up lifting & it shows that you have not lived in Vain! God bless ! Christina

Re: FROM YOUTH TO OLD AGE (User Rating: 1)
by NoSaint on Tuesday, 19th July 2005 @ 01:57:56 AM AEST
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well written and since you live each moment with a joy you have not lived in vain...those that could not find any beauty around them are the truly old...you my friend may have an aged body but are eternaly young of heart


Re: FROM YOUTH TO OLD AGE (User Rating: 1)
by MorningDove on Tuesday, 19th July 2005 @ 02:26:37 AM AEST
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Connie, that is absolutely, fantastically beautiful. It is a part of life, a sad one, but life eventually for those that live that long. My mother is 80 y/o and still going pretty strong. I hope she continues for several more years. Age is just a figure, even though it may not be an hourglass one anymore because the sand shifted. lol Mine has anyway!

You have a golden pen, my dear Connie.


Re: FROM YOUTH TO OLD AGE (User Rating: 1)
by Nazmythian on Thursday, 21st July 2005 @ 11:34:40 AM AEST
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Connie, I loved that. And I gotta tell ya hun, you would look much better lounging in my drive on a chaise, with a cold drink ... than that Buick does. Visit Washington anytime ... I'll keep a light on for ya.

There is far too much here to try and single out a single line ... Your almond tree has blossomed beautifully, and it seems to me, your golden bowl ... is filled to the rim in precious thought and priceless ideas.

Nazzy ~

Re: FROM YOUTH TO OLD AGE (User Rating: 1)
by Elizabeth_Dandy on Thursday, 21st July 2005 @ 04:39:28 PM AEST
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Oh Connie!
This is a heart-wrenching piece. But you know full-well that God has a plan with every hunab life. and even draws good out of the mischief we wreak.
unto Him and He will Himself crown it.
Wow Connie, behold- I type these lines in a public place where it is cool, otherwise I would not be able to congratulate you to your so beautiful poem.
How fortunate, in an air-conditioned place somebody allowed me to use the conmputer.

Re: FROM YOUTH TO OLD AGE (User Rating: 1)
by Elizabeth_Dandy on Thursday, 21st July 2005 @ 04:40:05 PM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Oh Connie!
This is a heart-wrenching piece. But you know full-well that God has a plan with every hunab life. and even draws good out of the mischief we wreak.
unto Him and He will Himself crown it.
Wow Connie, behold- I type these lines in a public place where it is cool, otherwise I would not be able to congratulate you to your so beautiful poem.
How fortunate, in an air-conditioned place somebody allowed me to use the conmputer.

Re: FROM YOUTH TO OLD AGE (User Rating: 1)
by Elizabeth_Dandy on Thursday, 21st July 2005 @ 04:40:30 PM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Oh Connie!
This is a heart-wrenching piece. But you know full-well that God has a plan with every hunab life. and even draws good out of the mischief we wreak.
unto Him and He will Himself crown it.
Wow Connie, behold- I type these lines in a public place where it is cool, otherwise I would not be able to congratulate you to your so beautiful poem.
How fortunate, in an air-conditioned place somebody allowed me to use the computer.

Re: FROM YOUTH TO OLD AGE (User Rating: 1)
by Elizabeth_Dandy on Thursday, 21st July 2005 @ 04:43:41 PM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Oh Connie!
This is a heart-wrenching piece. But you know full-well that God has a plan with every hunab life. and even draws good out of the mischief we wreak.
unto Him and He will Himself crown it.
Wow Connie, behold- I type these lines in a public place where it is cool, otherwise I would not be able to congratulate you to your so beautiful poem.
How fortunate, in an air-conditioned place somebody allowed me to use the computer.

Re: FROM YOUTH TO OLD AGE (User Rating: 1)
by bernard2 on Tuesday, 2nd August 2005 @ 02:20:39 PM AEST
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ConSue I have just come across your very wise words. I at my age can relate to everything that you have said.I hope that in my own way I have been an example to the youth of today. I am old ,ill,and yes sometimes grumpy but I still say that a smile is worth all of the praise that one can earn. That is why I always smile even when things are deep down in the dumps. Martha and I send you our love and a big hug each for showing us this view of life, bernard

Re: FROM YOUTH TO OLD AGE (User Rating: 1)
by Former_Member on Wednesday, 3rd August 2005 @ 04:06:38 PM AEST
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Oh Consue!!!

Is this you.. You are absolutely beatiful..

Is.. funny how you started out your story.. My friend is with me as well.. someone I can write experiences about.. a very good friend of mine .. me.. How do we ever pack on those numbers.. Here I am... at age 54 already.. how does this occur. lol.

grinding mill,,,,food is chewed.. nice simile.. nice comparison

The two doors of the mouth--the lips .. yes.. unlike, but similar.. doors.. lips..

I love all of your analogies..

If you did not forget Your Creator in your youth, and
remembered him in old age still......
Then your life has not been lived in vain, it has not
been all vanity if you continue to live and do His will.

I was a very young little girl when our cow got caught in the trench line.. where we were building a sewer there on the farm..Her name was Susie..
My mom and dad had to call the vet.. to come out to shoot her.. All of the cows ribs were broken, while trying to hoist her up out of the trench.

I stood in my parents room, looking out the window, crying to God.. How could you let them do this to Susie.. to shoot her.. Why Lord, why.. I hate you, I hate you, I shouted.

That was the only time I hated God. Yes, it took me some time to figure out why this God I was taught would let a horrible thing happen.

I was age 12 when I first realized what it was to be a Christian. I have given my whole life to Him.. He does work in mysterious ways.. but I learned that when we are sometimes at our lowest, that is when He is with us the most.. Yes, He is with us always.. as we live through our lifetime events. I do not live in vain, and I do not say His name in vain.

I can't stand it when I hear someone using His name in vain.. If I do.. hear someone saying... Oh Jesus.. or oh my god.. I look up and say, yep.. He is listening to you.. it sort of catches them off guard.. and yet.. it catches them..

I really like this story.. Its a very nice metaphor using these analogies, similes.. all very nice comparisons.. figures of speech..

You are such a wonderful writer..

You have a way that touches our hearts from your writing pieces. I do know that the LORD is deep within your soul..

Thank you for sharing Consue...I am most pleased that I have met you.. That is another thing.. The LORD brought me here to YPDC.... I just know it.. in order to meet you. Amen.

Raquel Leah ; ))

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