Hero body lies
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Thursday, 2nd June 2005 @ 03:12:03 PM in AEST
Water, Water, everywhere. So much so little I cannot bare. Quite overbearing for those that dream, and yet breathetaking for these but those, that think obscene. No more green has come to be, all is blue, between you and me. A whisper from the wind warns me, with a single sigh, to flee, but much in tranced am I, hoping and praying not to be set free. From this postion everything is fine, not fine, and what should not, is not all mine. Though, I stare ahead so far, my eyes remain fixed while still, a watering, weeping, creeping manner, with lids ajar. What is it that surrounds all of my being, and is it worth it, to believe what I am seeing?
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2005-06-02 15:12:03] (Date/Time posted on