whatever happend to just being kids?
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Tuesday, 10th May 2005 @ 04:31:16 PM in AEST
what ever happend to just being kids?
running around all day with your best friends
having so much fun, never wanting it to end
learning how to ride a bike, without the training wheels
playing hide and seek trying to hide behind automobiles
having a swingset was the best thing a kid could have
trying to swing higher than your friend, then flying off it to see who could get the farthest
wrestling with eachother so see who was the best
scraped on knees and albows from falling all the time
and to make it feel better you got popsicles flavored lemon-lime
on hot summer days, waiting all day for mr. softy to get ice cream
singing along to his music, even when you dream
remember those bad dreams? where you would wake up crying?
mommy and daddy would scare the monsters away from under the bed and to make you confertable, they wouldnt stop trying
in the autum time, making huge piles of leaves
then run and jump in them, and start all over again
cant wait to halloween
dress up as beautiful princesses or scary monsters that are mean
and in the winter, so happy snow was here
go sledding all day long and be so cold but didnt care
make snowmen with a carrot nose
black bottons, and a hat, instead of frosty, you named him joe
when the snowplow would come through on the circle hede pile a mountain
then wede sled down it again and again
at night we would play claim your mound
fight eachother with all our strength just to stay in the game, and not touch the ground
not caring what we wore
not caring we got in trouble if we swore
we didnt care what our hair looked like
so what ever happend to just being kids?
...we grew up
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2005-05-10 16:31:16] (Date/Time posted on
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