Do You Remember
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Saturday, 30th November 2002 @ 08:30:00 PM in AEST
Do you remember when saving up for 1ps sweets was the best thing ever?
Do you remember watching Mummy put her ,her lipstick on as she was going out?
Do you remember styiing my hair and playing, hairdressers?
Do you remember playing mummies and, daddies?
Do you remember dressing up in mum clothes, when she had gone out?
Do you remember that when you had got a, bike you knew you were cool?
Do you remember how every Christmas eve, we would never sleep at night?
Do you remember how we would jump on mums bed at 7am and say 'can we open are presents'?
Do you remember when I got dressed in a pink, fluffy outfit so I could go sledging?
Do you remember sitting on the grass in, the summer making chains ?
Do you remember making that beautiful cake, made in the shape of a house?
Do you remember how we always used to jump, on mums bed to see who could get the highest?
Do you remember when dad would build us boats in the, sand when we went to the beach?
Do you remember when we would buy ice creams I would, lick a bit then then whole thing would fall on the floor?
Do you remember when you used to plait my hair for me, to make me look like a princess?
Do you remember holding me for the first time when I, had only just been born?
Do you remember trying to teach me to talk and getting, annoyed because I couldn't respond?
Do you remember all the secrets that we shared, we were more like friends?
Do you remember when I used to beg you to play 'My little Ponies' with me?
Do you rememeber when we were out shopping and you, used to hold my hand as we crossed the road?
Do you remember when we used to go to the park and, play on the swings and see how high we could get?
Do you remember when we used to play are music loud, and try and see who could get the loudest?
Do you remember all these memories I sure do?
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2002-11-30 20:30:00] (Date/Time posted on
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