My Feelings
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Monday, 3rd May 2004 @ 09:00:11 PM in AEST
why do you always ***** with my feelings,
why, i must have the meaning,
you turn up and ***** with my heart,
then disappear,
you got it down to a fine art,
you always end up hurting me,
why the hell cant you be with me,
all this trolup about loving me,
then saying your over me,
sorry but im not you,
i just cant get that clue,
if i love someone,
i want to be with them,
no matter the pain in the past,
why the hell couldn't we make it last,
why are you so god damn difficult,
can we get down to the root,
of this problem,
i would like to know,
why the hell we cant be together,
why the hell you cant let things go,
and just see,
take things slow,
or am i missng the point,
are you just that damn stupid,
you and me both have been hit by cupid,
as i see it, well at least in the past,
so why, oh why cant you make things last.
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2004-05-03 21:00:11] (Date/Time posted on