My ranting and ravings on freshman and High School
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Monday, 16th February 2004 @ 07:24:02 PM in AEST
Looking back on that phone conversation, I realized how rude the younger youth of america is. (well at least in my town). I don't think i was ever that bad. Well at that age, I didn't have a cell-phone, boyfriend, or a social life. Kids now a days have cell-phones by sixth, learn to put make-up on in 4th grade, and their parents dress them like prostitutes since they were a baby.
The freshman in my school have an attitude problem, and god, they need a good lesson in respect. Looking back at my journal i was scared to death going into high school.
This is a summary of my journal freshman year.
Going into high school i was scared out of my mind. Yes i had an older sister, some older friends, and even given many tours from marching band, but i was scared. We were again the youngest, the shortest, and the world was out to get you. We had the utmost respect for the seniors. We worshipped them like gods, admiring how they never carried books, or bookbags, how they talked between classes, and still got to class on time. Sitting on the Senior bench was insane for fear of your life. Now adays, freshman have the attitude like their in charge. ha, one freshman slugged a senior and let's just say the freshman lost badly. Juniors were regarded up there with the priests, too old for us, but still old enough to beat us up. The midway you avoided like poison duing homecoming and you never talked the middle of the hallway for fear of losing an arm or a leg.
Most of our lunch conversations were on passing honors biology, getting an upperclassman boyfriend, and seeing if we could get a date to prom. All looked so far off and unachievable.
Now most people say once u hit high school you will get a whole new set of friends. In reality, you hold your friends, no matter how much you hate them, cuz they're the only people ya know, and maybe you can find your classes together.
Looking back on the end of freshman year, our whole classes managed to pass H. bio. though no none of my friends got an upperclassman boyfriend or a date to prom.
Then sophomore year started.
We all thought that sophomore year would be easier, hey at least we weren't frogs anymore. We knew where most of our classes were and we thought we had learned to stand some of our more annoying friends. NOT!!!
Now fighting is a normal part of my life, along with drama. I have gotten a new group of friends, and still scared about some of my classes. (like honors chem, and drivers ed)
drivers ed. the thing u never thought would come. but its here.
so sophomore is ok right now but finals are going to be harder and school still sucks, so i hope to survive another year at my high school . there will be more added as time goes on.
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2004-02-16 19:24:02] (Date/Time posted on
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