Not Normal People
Contributed by
Friday, 11th May 2012 @ 05:46:30 AM in AEST
To be or not be
a choice almost everybody
can make
almost everybody
because there are people
like me
who can only be
instead of not to be
simply deu to the fact
i and many others
where born to be
and many of our society
wishes we were
rather not to be
it takes to much time
and effort
which can better be spent
like people
who are normal
to people when
you explain something
they know what you mean
and it doesn't take a few hour's
of detour
in youre brain
until it finally reaches you
because in those few hours
you could have done
other things
make some money
for this loving society
who when you tell or show
whatever condition
you have
would rather shun
than embraced you
thinking why bother talking
they dont understand
a word
what we are saying anyway
heck why the hell
bother with an education anyways
hell and if we
do get a job
than there's the big qeustion
did we get it
because of who we are
or because of the social benefit
the boss
actually gets money
for hiring us
and lets not forget the plus points
the company gets from us
Not Normal People
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2012-05-11 05:46:30] (Date/Time posted on
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