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Saturday, 14th January 2012 @ 11:35:24 PM in AEST
Take my hand walk along with me.
What a friend we have in Jesus.
Love shines a light on stepping stones,
From God’s precious love,
So say a little prayer for me.
Forever loved and cherished are you,
And you know it begins with me.
Precious and few are those here to
Reach out and lend a hand,
For anyone else to see.
The Lord is my Rock, the wind beneath my wings,
I will Praise Him for forever and a day.
Let go, let God is my prayer for you.
With tiny baby steps love can move mountains!
Love makes the world go round,
Tiny miracles brings friends helping friends.
So reach out and touch someones hand,
But look and remember, their eyes are
The window of the soul.
Oh candle of beauty I’ll always be there.
But the most beautiful things in the world
Cannot be seen or even touched,
They must be felt with the heart, one day at a time.
You’re my inspiration, silence is golden often times.
You know just when to speak your mind
And also when to cry
You are one small star, a rainbow of love
Everything is beautiful right from your soul.
The beauty within your heart and mind,
Let it shine for all to see!
Please light the path and lead us home
To the trail of Eternity.
Three things will last forever, faith, hope, and love.
And the greatest of these is love.
This is the treasure we all should seek,
It’s the only true treasure- trove!
Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart.
And you are beautiful, you have found a home.
For home is where the heart is,
Forever loved and cherished,
No longer left to roam!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
For Challenge Poem on Inspiration:
Subject is your choice of 40 titles given. In this
write I used all 40 titles. Painting and poem by
Robert Edgar Burns (Rob)
Copyright ©
... [
2012-01-14 23:35:24] (Date/Time posted on
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