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My Rival

Contributed by full_blur on Sunday, 6th April 2003 @ 09:05:00 PM in AEST
Topic: DarkPoetry

I can do that
I told myself
I can do that
But its not that
Easy. To characterize,
and to nullify, and
To justify this.
So I put down
The pen.

Copyright © full_blur ... [ 2003-04-06 21:05:00]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: My Rival (User Rating: 0 )
by Former_Member on Monday, 7th April 2003 @ 01:16:05 AM AEST
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I'm usually not one to try and tell people what poetry is about, because I don't believe you can answer that question if it is not your own.However I can possibly come with an opinion.The poem is short and sweet, it leaves you to form your own opinions because maybe the writer didn't want to come out with it.What I take in from this poem, is that suicide was on the mind.The writer explains that suicide is never justifiable, they're are no words to explain to people this is why I killing myself, this is why its okay.So in attempts to write a letter explaining themselves, they come to this realization that there is no way to do it, thus they put down the pen.

Re: My Rival (User Rating: 1 )
by wolfflow on Monday, 7th April 2003 @ 02:07:49 AM AEST
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hmm, straight off i thought it was about writing some poem, then i read the comment above re suicide, i'm only after getting up, i'll think about it during the day, something to keep my mind off work

Re: My Rival (User Rating: 1 )
by Amoeba on Monday, 7th April 2003 @ 09:00:39 AM AEST
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Typical poetry appreciation: 'It's about suicide!'. Of course the beauty of poetry is that a poem is how you interpret it. For me this poem is about writing in general, or creating, in an artistic sense. To often is poetry alligned with depression. I don't sense a strong depressive genre, running through this poem, the struggle in the poem seems more fundamental than that, more problematic than suicidal. Thus, putting the pen down alleviates all the problems ahead of a prospective author or artist, such as characterisation.
On the whole a good poem. I enjoyed reading it.


Re: My Rival (User Rating: 1 )
by karoody on Monday, 7th April 2003 @ 11:08:00 AM AEST
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this poem could be about many things. that is the beauty of writing like this, it can be applied to many things, so many can understand. if you write in a blunt manner, the interpretation is pretty straight-laced. both manners are good, it just depends on how broad of an audience you want 'connected' to your work. this write to me is an apology of sorts, of something you did or are about to do. either way you look at it, this was very thought provoking and a good write.

Re: My Rival (User Rating: 1 )
by Apartment213 on Monday, 7th April 2003 @ 05:58:39 PM AEST
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well im not sure what was going through ur mind when u wrote this but my first thought was that someone was trying to express something to do with grief but couldnt find the words so this person just put down his/her pen. hey im probably so wrong ur laughing but thats what is so great about poetry everyone will come away with something a little different.

Re: My Rival (User Rating: 1 )
by One_L on Tuesday, 8th April 2003 @ 01:17:20 AM AEST
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after reading the other posts, i think i'd have to agree with 'suicide' and also the title is "My Rival." kinda saying that one side of you wants to do this, but the other side doesnt. maybe? =) great write, short and sweet and to the point.

thanks for posting a comment on my poem by the way. =D much appreciated!

Re: My Rival (User Rating: 1 )
by RICHARD_CAMPBELL on Thursday, 10th April 2003 @ 10:49:57 PM AEST
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Re: My Rival (User Rating: 1 )
by AngryPrincess on Sunday, 13th April 2003 @ 01:25:43 PM AEST
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I dont want to speculate what this poem is about because i'll probably be wrong, i have a one track mind anyhow, so im sure i'd connect that with your poem just cause thats how i feel...but looking at it and all the other comments, i dont think its what anyone said. Its a silent battle your fighting with yourself and maybe you dont even know what it is just yet. Perfectly done, i very much enjoyed this. Kepp up the great writing full-blur and i'll look for more of your work.


Re: My Rival (User Rating: 1 )
by fancyface4898 on Sunday, 13th April 2003 @ 02:33:38 PM AEST
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I don't think you can summarize what someone elses poem is about, but it seems to me that in this poem you are trying to symbolize that you are tired and you wnat to stop writing at the moment. I am probably wrong but that is what I got from it

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