The Story of Man
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Sunday, 30th November 2008 @ 03:34:51 AM in AEST
One day there was man...
In the begining his life was hard and he had to struggle to survive...
But man used his great mind to make his life easier...
He moved out of the wilderness and began to build...
He made roads, schools, houses, towns and impressive monuments as a testament to his greatness...
Then man began to discover his world...
He slowly spread his seed to every corner of the vast globe...
Then man improved his life...
Man learned new things as his never ending quest for information continued...
He invented new ways to make his life easier...
He invented medicine to make his life longer...
He became more numerous and powerful than any species in the history of his planet...
Then man suddenly had everything he needed...
He became stupider as intelligence was no longer required for survival...
He grew fat as the amount of excess was so large that even the poor became obese...
Man became blinded by the brillance of his own devices...
And in his blindness he began to destroy himself...
Then man went to war...
His violent nature began to emerge from the unintelligent, overpopulated cities...
The lazy masses refused to give up thier comfortable lives as the house of cards that was mankind's empire toppled around him...
He began to regress, to become more primative as dictators and terrorists began to kill and grow in strength all over the globe...
He used force to kill those who threatened his easy way of life...
Man stabbed, shot and burned until the world was stained red with blood...
Eventually man turned to his most powerful weapons in despration...
And then man was dead, and his greatness no longer mattered.
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... [
2008-11-30 03:34:51] (Date/Time posted on
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