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Contributed by JennyRiegle on Sunday, 25th May 2008 @ 12:39:02 PM in AEST
Topic: oops

growing distributions of mental institutions,
revenge, retribrution is not an ideal solution,

mothers and fathers deciding not to even bother,
with raising the right way their sons and their daughters,

careless and careless that's how we are evolving,
just running away from problems that we could be solving,
Human Beings are becoming their own satan,
He's just laughing and getting what he has been waiting,
The prophecy will happen because of our own actions,
God doesn't have a fraction of satans satisfaction,
The few love in the world doesn't last very long,
People who speak out for the right not the wrong,
They're denied by the misguided and ill-concieved ones,
The one's who are sadist and hurt just for fun,
They don't think about the plan the lord had for them,
They don't remember they were a creation of him,
Come judgement day; their behavior will condemn them;
and indeed they should be apalled,
And The hurt they have caused any single living creature;
Should and just might bring them to a bawl
acorns and newborns;
are very much alike;
they both start off small;
but later contribute to life;
As they mature and mature throughout life;
They have to face the reality;
You have to be careful of human parasites;
or you'll face some type of fatality
And as the children grow;
they give love to a mother's heart;
And as simple acorns grow;
they give your lungs a brand new start
One day an acorn will reach out it's branches;
as if it's meant to hug the world;
One day a child will reach out its arms;
as its lucky it's life just unfurled.
Even though we have evolved into such superior beings,
our minds and hearts never did.
The one's whose hearts and minds did evolve,
Are now endandgered and few live.

- Jenny R
copyright 2008

Copyright © JennyRiegle ... [ 2008-05-25 12:39:02]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: Reality (User Rating: 1 )
by JennyRiegle on Sunday, 25th May 2008 @ 12:42:17 PM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Sorry this is the way i wrote it ;l
that's all clumped together..

growing distributions of mental institutions,
revenge, retribrution is not an ideal solution,
mothers and fathers deciding not to even bother,
with raising the right way their sons and their daughters,

careless and careless that's how we are evolving,
just running away from problems that we could be solving,
Human Beings are becoming their own satan,
He's just laughing and getting what he has been waiting,

The prophecy will happen because of our own actions,
God doesn't have a fraction of satans satisfaction,
The few love in the world doesn't last very long,
People who speak out for the right not the wrong,

They're denied by the misguided and ill-concieved ones,
The one's who are sadist and hurt just for fun,
They don't think about the plan the lord had for them,
They don't remember they were a creation of him,

Come judgement day; their behavior will condemn them;
and indeed they should be apalled,
And The hurt they have caused any single living creature;
Should and just might bring them to a bawl

acorns and newborns;
are very much alike;
they both start off small;
but later contribute to life;

As they mature and mature throughout life;
They have to face the reality;
You have to be careful of human parasites;
or you'll face some type of fatality

And as the children grow;
they give love to a mother's heart;
And as simple acorns grow;
they give your lungs a brand new start

One day an acorn will reach out it's branches;
as if it's meant to hug the world;
One day a child will reach out its arms;
as its lucky it's life just unfurled.

Even though we have evolved into such superior beings,
our minds and hearts never did.
The one's whose hearts and minds did evolve,
Are now endandgered and few live.

Re: Reality (User Rating: 1 )
by shelby on Sunday, 25th May 2008 @ 12:52:09 PM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Strong and full of insight. I also agree. Keep up the good work and the message.


Re: Reality (User Rating: 1 )
by Roddy on Sunday, 25th May 2008 @ 01:24:45 PM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
One word....POWERFUL


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