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Dark fly upon my chamber wall

Contributed by ferasdour on Friday, 20th July 2007 @ 04:30:22 PM in AEST
Topic: oops

Here within this darkened room,
Motion surrounds,
Never ending,
Puzzling, bits of motion flow past.

The bug within this hollowed chamber,
Never leaving,
Provoking danger,
It watches over the creature before it.

As it spins throughout the lessened air,
Taunting this beastly creature before it,
Watching, playing, annoying,
The darkened light of the human it passes.

While the bug sat atop the panel above the door,
One dark creature stares unto the other,
Within the depths this night, seen within the cell.

Black marks, chains, blades, and writings fill his walls,
White, a background for his thoughts,
This man sees the bug encircling him,
Inscribed, his thoughts bound, watching them all.

As the shadows of this man’s chamber
Hides darker demons then mortals are meant to see,
So unto does that hollowed cell,
Hide the bug, to escape his eye.

“Will’st thou leave this dreary room of mine,
Or shall you be removed at this time?”
So spoke this man unto the bug,
No reply came down from atop his sorrow filled door.

“I have seen you, yet you do still elude me,
As you taunt me through the mirror,
Of my mind.
Will I be consumed of my own annoyance, or will you leave?”

The man so spoke in many attempts to regain his chamber,
The blissful, cold, abyss,
Torn down from the dreams he so dearly wanted,
Sleep broke dark dreams away from the awakened.

“All I request of you my foolishly all seeing friend,
Is that you leave this place so I can return to slumber.
Would you please leave me now?
For I’ve already shown you how.”

As the creature then returned to his seat,
Moving past an unsuspecting human,
May the darkness let it be.

“all I wish is for you to leave,
Leave and let me be,
So that one as such as myself,
May soon see.

Leave me be so I may see,
The darkness created me,
Never again shall I be.

Sitting high atop the room,
Waiting to move past me,
So you may further watch me”

One foolish darkened creature yelled unto the other,
But within the chamber some brother two remained watching,
To witness sanity’s loss within the mortal,
They all just watched.

“This bug,
Bug within my room,
Sees my every move,
As if an experiment.

Why would a bug need to be needed,
Why would a need be needed,
Why does reasoning lapse,
When this world, the darkness comes

The bug watches me as the darkness befalls my room.
Midnight day, day so soon to break,
Yet the darkness falls upon my room?
3:33 minute of doom.

As it mocks me, inside me room, hidden from view,
Why do you monitor me so?
Why watch me so?
Why watch me so?

When viewing high atop your precious pedestal,
Why watch me so?
Why bug me so?
Why bug me so?

Why do you view me so?
Why do you view me so?
Why do you hate me so,
And treat me so?

All I want, is to sleep without monitors.
Sleep without monitors.
All I want,
To be allowed in my desolate chamber, to rest.

Stop watching me so.
Stop watching me.
Stop watching me.
Never monitor me.

There is a bug in my room,
Cloaked in the darkness,

3:45, it watches me.
My room is bugged.
My room is bugged.
My room is bugged,

I’m being watched,
I’m being watched,
I’m being watched,
I can still feel its presence.

There’s a bug in my chamber,
There’s a bug in my chamber,
There’s a bug in my chamber,
Only for me to destroy.”

As it seemed,
It refused to exit,
The exit

“There remains a bug within my room,
There remains a bug within my room,
I have a bug in my room,
I have a bug in my room,
I have a bug in my room,
I have a bug in my room,
Given fire, the unwelcome guest will die.”


I find this to be an ironic truth.
The story,
The time it took place,
And (for any one who has ever played eternal darkness),
I had “Ford, Betty” on my caller i.d.
Call time, 3:33 a.m.

(Just incase you didn’t catch the reference,
The Betty Ford Clinic.)

Copyright © ferasdour ... [ 2007-07-20 16:30:22]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: Dark fly upon my chamber wall (User Rating: 1 )
by wood on Tuesday, 10th August 2010 @ 02:56:27 PM AEST
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