Fire in the skies,is what they will see,
people wondering why,,
children crying,,,
not knowing why,,
but they do know the reason,,
the reason's why,,,
man's war,,,politicians war,,
who's more powerful,,
WHO,, cares,,
I see the children crying,,
hungry,,shelter,,no love,,
people not careing,,
whats wrong with this country,,
why must we have wars,,
why must we interfer,,
with other countries,,
if they want to blow themself,,
to kingdom come,,
then let them,,
leave the children alone,,
they cant,why,,,
man cant decide wheather,,
be one nation,,
to get along with one another,,
help the children of the future,,
show them love,,careing,,
let our children live a better life,
than we have,,
at least GIVE them a chance,,
maybe,,just maybe,,
they might make a better world,,
or is it that your a scard they will do it,,
who cares,,they don't,,,they got everything,,
happy families,,
children well feed,,
clothes on their backs,,
shelteed homes,,
what do the other children have,,,,
man's world,,right,,,
it's down right,,STUPIDITY,,,
I pray that the children,,
of the future,,has the right to make a beautiful world,,befor it's to late,,
befor the FIRE IN THE SKIES,,,
craig s.meeks
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2003-02-28 02:00:00] (Date/Time posted on