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Monday, 17th February 2003 @ 01:20:00 AM in AEST
reality is a place where people live,,,
not where the mind travels,,
reality is where ,illusions are not real,,
but where the mind say's there real,,
we must understand the diffrents,,
between them both,,
to live in reality is where time goes on forever,,
and where dreams stops,,
time will continue as long as man lets it,,
dreams will be forever,,
Imagine if we had the choice,,
where would you be,,
we always cant have the things that we want,,
we try, but sometimes it hard to handle,,
this is where reality cuts in,,
on the dreams we have,,
but the dreams,,
we can travel anywhere we want,,
see anything we desire,,
have anyone,,to love,,
but there dreams,,
and we cant have them because,,
it wouldn't be right to them,,
or yourself,, to have whats not your's,,
so we dream,,
them we live,,
reality starts,,
dreams will never end,,
enjoy the life that you have now,,
reality,,is the essents of life that we know of it,,
dreams is the life of dreamers,,
let them dream,,it all they have,,
can't get confussed with life,,and dreams,,
there part of who we are,,
i know where i'am,,
part time dreamer,,,
most of the time reality,,
choose wisely,,,its all we have,,
craig s. meeks
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2003-02-17 01:20:00] (Date/Time posted on