The Heavenly Snowman
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Thursday, 8th December 2005 @ 09:02:25 PM in AEST
Adam asked his mom one winter day,"Mommy, Where did
Snowmen come from?" Mommy, said to Adam,"Son, they
come from God, out of Heaven."
"But how can that be true Mommy?' Adam asked. Because
I saw you making one with your own hands last winter."
"Oh my dear Adam, the mother replied, God expects us to put
them together. You see, when it snows, each snowflake is a tiny
part of a snowman. So, once enough snow falls to the ground ,
we can put the snow together to make a snowman."
"Oh, wow Mommy! This is so cool! Now may I asked you another
question?" "Okay, Adam, go ahead and ask me anything you want
to ask."
"Well, Mommy I was wandering, if snowflakes are tiny bits of
snowmen , then what can we make from a falling star?
A wish, maybe?
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2005-12-08 21:02:25] (Date/Time posted on