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..a life to be remembered

Contributed by Man_On_High on Saturday, 27th August 2005 @ 11:02:45 PM in AEST
Topic: dedicatedpoems

The horse came back alone
over the morning hills of some
hushed and tranquil Texas town,
no longer bearing you, its master..
missing the guidance of your hand
nudging it into homecoming..
wondering perhaps, why you had stayed behind-
why you had fallen so soft
and sudden to earth..
wordless in the wet grass.

A moment before, you had ridden over like the wind,
surveying your green valley as ever with love.

Down the smokey air, a calling..
hushing you high and hearted in a cloud..
cradling you away from your valley and your city..
from brisk tenements, darkly swarming with weary life
and sibling streams.. and hedges brimming with song.

You knew and celebrated with conjoined agony and affection,
that sudden whisper on the wind

With rain and growing things of earth
brethren to you in that last union,
that would sing you proud into peace
and from a turbulent life..
yet with blunt sensitivity of one
and trading not with images but imperatives
in one rush of zealous possesion,
that stole your breath past stream and pavement
in that moment out of time that finds you now deceased,
small and alone.


You were solicitous of mute mayhem..
crashing through lives with healing;

..your staunch words, flashing into minds.

Cramped and closeted in grey continuity of office..
an MD to the anonymous, poor and maimed..
loud with tenderness for broken things..
making strength and ethics, "Belief"
out of those deep unsaid sorrows of your life,
vain and strong and innocent of malice,
beautiful in the last and only sense.

Friend of friends
and seer of my sapling years,
I would not feel your absence as pain...

..knowledge of love once gained and given
is never lost or betrayed into unknowing..

and there are always shooting stars!

..for Rita


Copyright © Man_On_High ... [ 2005-08-27 23:02:45]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: ..a life to be remembered (User Rating: 1 )
by Jenni_K on Sunday, 28th August 2005 @ 12:22:19 AM AEST
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Beautiful imagery here, Billy.....
I loved this....
"..knowledge of love once gained and given
is never lost or betrayed into unknowing..
and there are always shooting stars!"


Re: ..a life to be remembered (User Rating: 1 )
by MorningDove on Sunday, 28th August 2005 @ 12:35:23 AM AEST
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My precious friend. I could not tell you in a thousand years what this does mean to me. This is so much how I visualize my rise to another plane. My ancestors leading me up to the new green plane of peace and serenity. You have opened my life to be seen like I thought I only would know it. So much seen, so much done, so much to do. Oh, this ride I am waiting for. Blessed be, my precious friend.

With love, Rita
(Morning Dove)

Re: ..a life to be remembered (User Rating: 1 )
by Fionndruinne on Sunday, 28th August 2005 @ 02:00:22 AM AEST
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A fine tribute for a fine fellow member (by a fine fellow member). Beautiful imagery.

... though there are many places I would rather die than upon a horse's back, myself...

(fond of his own two feet)

Re: ..a life to be remembered (User Rating: 1 )
by gwenevere on Sunday, 28th August 2005 @ 04:55:50 PM AEST
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This was stunnhing, I can say no more, Ros

Re: ..a life to be remembered (User Rating: 1 )
by Former_Member on Monday, 29th August 2005 @ 09:59:01 AM AEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
A beautiful tribute as well as poem great in deed bill beautiful in every way.


Re: ..a life to be remembered (User Rating: 1 )
by Eternal_Dreamer on Monday, 29th August 2005 @ 10:37:03 PM AEST
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A fitting tribute to such a wonderful fellow poetess. Dreamer *smiles* as she reads Billy's outstanding and brillant work. You never cease to amaze me my dear friend.
You're in a league of ur own Billy. You've more than earned your place amongst the stars.
Hugs from ur fan,

Re: ..a life to be remembered (User Rating: 1 )
by brew on Monday, 29th August 2005 @ 11:11:28 PM AEST
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Yes, a league of your own.................The words pour for a special friend...........You have soooooooooo much to give, and I hope so much gived back. Just alot here,,,,,,,,,,,more than most. You should know.
Great post...................


Re: ..a life to be remembered (User Rating: 1 )
by pUnKa_RaCh on Tuesday, 30th August 2005 @ 10:08:45 PM AEST
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You're a master of poetry!!!..............what else can I say???

Beyond words, no praise could be enough...

Im sure Rita is glowing with pride.....

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