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Rumors of Angels
So lost in the darkness,
So far from the light,
I sighed in the day,
I cried in the night,
No hope for tomorrow,
No care for today,
I watched in stunned silence,
As life slipped away.
I"d heard rumors of angels,
But do they exist?
Or are they just visions,
Just dreams in a mist,
I begged for an answer,
To my desperate plea,
And got rumors of angels,
That I couldn"t see.
I stumbled and staggered.
Through life"s bitter path,
I tasted of sorrow,
I drank of the wrath,
Calling for someone,
To give me a sign,
Of good things to come,
And peace to be mine.
I heard rumors of angels,
Who healed with a touch....
Fables for children,
The simple and such,
For none came to save me,
When I took a fall,
Just rumors of angels,
And no help at all.
L. Carling