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The Wedding
The boy said to the girl
“Will you marry me?”
“Yes of course my darling!”
Replied so quaintly she.
But on the night before
The wedding was to be,
The girl received a sudden urge
To climb a maple tree!
The maple tree was tall
With twig and branch a plenty
Its tree limbs, yet, lacked strength
To bear her pounds 220.
The twig snapped with a crack
And down to earth fell she!
The crackling of her bones
Could be heard by you and me!
When news of her great fall
Reached the groom-to-be
“How could she be so foolish?!”
Exclaimed he desperately.
He quickly went to visit
His brainless bride-to-be
“I’ve broken bones and missing teeth”
Said she so sheepishly.
“You’ve lost your teeth and mind, maybe
However,” said groom-to-be,
“I too have lost something as well:
My spine to marry thee!”