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What is Love What is Love Is it a kiss
Is it a memory that takes you to a place of happiness
What is love
Is it the feeling you get when you see someones smile
and you are reminded of memories
The memories of happiness, moments that take your breath away
Love, is it the feeling you get when your heart just swells with a
feeling so overwhelming that it brings tears to your eyes
Love is such a powerful emotion and yet is so misguided
Love can be a thorn in your side
Love can be the best thing you have ever felt
It can tear you down and bring you to pieces
or Love can build you up and you rise to the clouds
but the fall is hard and hurtful
and the rise is engaging and exhilarating
What is love I ask
Why does it hurt just as much as it feels so good ....
Love is sought by many and sometimes found by none
Some want to find love and others hide from it.
Where do you find love
Is it in a touch, a smile, a kiss,
or a moment when you close your eyes and you feel
all the good things you felt your whole life
Love comes in many shapes, sizes and colors
It is what defines you as person
is what you allow to pierce through your soul
Love is what you want it to be
Love is what you make of it ...
You can choose to let it define you
mold you, break you and/or make you
But in reality Love has no definition
Love is a broad unwinding, unending feeling that
takes you away to a place of comfort and peace or could be
torture and confusion but nevertheless it is Love
Your Love is your love and you have to accept your love
for what you make of it .



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