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Getting to Stardom
To win corporate games; your fame’s in your name! No one below will deny it;
Whether you call yourself AT&T, ARCO, The RITZ or the HYATT!
With names so forgetful, their coffers were debtful;
And just when no hope was in sight;
Each one overhauled the name they were called;
Here’s hoping that they got it right!
Integrated Electronic Microchip wasn’t a name that would sell;
So they stopped in mid-stride, advertised “It’s inside”—and we bought their chips as INTEL.
Jeff Bezos soon shot his firm to the top, by starting its name with an “A”;
To grow big as ever, he mimicked a river, and AMAZON, won him the day!
Using-The-Sky-to-Talk-Peer-to-Peer was as awkward to say as to type!
And thus to engender a word we’d remember, they shortened their handle to SKYPE.
This owner loved ships and read Moby Dick; hoping it might bring him luck;
He borrowed the fame of the chief mate’s first name, and that's why we call it STARBUCKs.
Microcomputers and software combined to keep this new business aloft;
He merged the two words, gave the credit to nerds, and Bill named it MICROSOFT.
Frank Epperson thought his treats were ICE POPs; but his grandkids were stubborn and fickle!
They soon got their way, and that’s why today, we all ask for one of POP’s SICKLES.
Bill and Dave tossed a coin to be boss, determining whose name should rule it!
If they had flipped heads, we might have all said: “I bought it from PACKARD and HEWLETT!”
With car radios, they started out slow; but we recall best their Victrolas!
Remembering their past, to ensure fame would last, they branded themselves MOTOROLA.
ECHO BAY came to be their first name; but alas, the domain had been taken;
So they gave up the “cho” and as we all know, EBAY’s a name not mistaken!
To beat NCR, T. Watson went far with Business Machines International;
He scored once again, when he chose IBM as a catchphrase that sounded more rational.
We loved BABY GAYS, but the name didn’t say, cotton-soft quality wipes;
But it rolled off our lips, when he called them Q-TIPS, and millions have henceforth been swiped!
The public will steer to what catches its ear; as Johnson and Johnson would say:
Adhesive Bandages may be correct, but BAND-AID said help’s on its way!
So if you are bound, to garner renown, you need to bone up on PR;
Or come to rely, on just getting by; and gazing with us at the stars!