The story of a boy called Dan

The story of a boy called Dan

I went to my friends wedding on the 5th of August and his son Dan told me this story. I have to fill you in on the story so far before we get to the funny bit. My friend Bob was the groom; his son Little Bob was the second best man. Bob’s wife to be Julie’s dad is also called, yes you’ve guest its Bob, yes a wedding with 3 Bob’s. Bob’s dad was called Graham, and his other son is called Graham. 3 Bob’s and 2 Graham’s down we get to the registry office and the fun began.

Who gives this woman to this man? That was Bob, Julie’s dad, and who is the best man who gives Bob the rings? That is Little Bob the son of the groom Bob who has been my friend for 20 years. My name is thankfully not Bob. You can see how the registrar and the toastmasters’ tasks that day would get a bit confusing.

Bob’s son Dan has a mother other than Julie, making her the step-mom. He is a lucky boy to have not one set of parents but 2 sets and all that entails. Yes, he has step-relatives, related by both original parents marrying new partners. Christmas, birthdays, holidays are all good in the hood for you get twice as many goodies and gifts than just a normal family.

Yes, you might be saying but you do have to put out twice as much when your family members have a birthday. So many dates to remember, so many cards to buy, but so many parties to go to, hoorah! Dan was waxing lyrical about all his relatives and all the fun of having stepfamily.

With step-mom, step-dad, stepbrothers, stepsisters, step-grandmothers and grandfathers. Step-aunties and uncles, step-nephews and nieces and the pinnacle of them all step-pets. Step-pets are pets belonging to the other brothers or sisters related to you by marriage.

I could not hold this funny thing he told me in and told all the others at the wedding about Dan’s step-pets. Only a youngster could come up with a saying like that. The nation can rejoice in the fact that somewhere in the world some lucky cat or dog has a step owner if things go bad.

Thank you for reading this comic story and if you happen to be in a family with multiple parents and relatives remember your step-pets.

The story of a boy called Dan –Told by Gary David Worthington 14/08/06

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