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Zero Dark Thirty
Do you want to get out, of where you are stuck?
Why not do it before others wake up?
Trust me, this is far from insane
Before the alarm goes off, you are ahead of the game
Forget the destination, it/'/s about the journey
It all begins at zero dark thirty
While all the rest are under their covers
You bust out of them like one crazy mother
The first thing you see is pitch black
And before you know it, you/'/re on the attack
As the regular joes have their morning soda pop
They look at the top of the mountain, and you are on top
How did they get there, they ask
You retort, it was a simple plan of attack
You shake your head, and to yourself you say
Today/'/s winning began yesterday
You/'/re lying in the sack
Wall to wall, pitch black
The amazing journey
Begins at zero dark thirty