Stuck in a Rut
Date: Friday, 10th March 2006 @ 03:45:42 AM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: OzChick


How come you’ve been with me so long?
When Everything I do, to you, is wrong?
You criticise almost everything that I do,
I’ve forgotten why I first fell in love with you.
Why do I stay if things are so bad?
I have two children, you are their Dad.
For years that seemed like a good enough reason,
You’ve never hit me, there’s no need for treason.
But sometimes I wonder how much more I can take,
So often I’ve wished that you’d jump in a lake.
You undermine me in front of the kids,
Undoing all the good that I did.
You say the words that sound so right,
Then go out and drink all night.
You never help around the house,
Unless I become a nagging spouse.
Tell me is this what you want for your life?
A frustrated, sad and angry wife?
Sometimes I wonder how we stay together.
It’s like we’re both held by an invisible tether.
A force more powerful than you or I,
Binds us together ‘till the day that we die.
I simply cannot bring myself to leave you.
I know in my heart that I really don’t want to.
As much as you shit me, I have to admit,
That you and I, we’re a perfect fit.
You play for hours with the kids in the pool,
You try to be there for events at school.
You put up with me when I’m in a mood,
You don’t get violent, you just get rude.
You provide everything that this family needs,
I know you have the will to succeed.
We both want the same things from life,
That’s some of the reasons that I became your wife.
So I guess there’s really no reason to complain,
It’s just the same tired old argument again.
You get to spend more time by yourself,
Whilst I feel like I’m stuck on a shelf.
Are we stuck in a rut do you think?
We need a solution before I sink.
We need to sit down and have a good talk.
Our marriage vows weren’t written in chalk.
Let’s take some time to spend together,
Then we will have a real chance at forever.


This poem is Copyright © OzChick

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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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