Stoned Rambling
Date: Monday, 6th March 2006 @ 04:45:22 AM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: OzChick


I have a habit; you’d say it was bad.
The fact that I have you might say was sad.
It can get expensive to feed this addiction,
It’s reach is extensive, deep seated affliction.
This addiction was formed when I was a kid.
The one who began it doesn’t know what he did.
At the age of twelve I was handed my first smoke.
On that big fat joint I took my first toke.
Marijuana is what I’m talking about.
An illegal substance, there’s no need to shout.
There is a big difference between mull and narcotics.
And pot smokers don’t cause trouble like some alchaholics.
A person high from having a smoke,
Won’t want to fight, he sees the joke.
Peace is ever the pot smokers’ creed.
Amphetamine dealers are the ones full of greed.
A natural substance even older than Beer.
People consume that by the gallon each year.
So what’s the problem with having a toke?
Don’t stand so close if you don’t like the smoke.
I’m not doing anyone, besides myself, harm.
I really don’t understand all the alarm.
Organically grown in our own backyard,
Or with Hydro-ponics, it isn’t so hard.
One or two plants, not a plantation.
Though Hemp is a crop that could profit the nation.
A natural fibre makes beautiful clothes,
Like cotton and wool, everybody wears those.
Hemp oil is great used in soaps and lotions,
Makes wonderfully moisturising potions.
Medicinally it has been used for years,
So open your minds and get over your fears.
The weed's not as bad as some would say,
In fact it could brighten up your day.


This poem is Copyright © OzChick

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