Keep your word
Date: Wednesday, 1st March 2006 @ 02:47:34 PM AEST
Topic: Sad Poetry

Contributed By: BSteel

Keep your word

God assembled Angels,
Pure energy souls,
To hit home,
What we call earth,
Though our perspective jaded,
The angels made a social contract,
At creation, the king,
Director was signed off,
And the program was taken,
Rather unfolded, exploded,
And memory was lost for all,
All we know are the truths,
We feel in our soul,
Even God is clueless to all,
Follow your dreams follow your heart,
Let it come out in speech and song,
Evolving from monkeys is not where we came from,
Nor where we belong, we are visiting a sacred planet of animals,
Heaven is here, its just others will have a longer trip home,
Depending on the baggage,
Live for now for we are destined,
For we are all civilized angels,
And must play our part as such, let the program unfold, this manifesto I behold you to hold, as I hold the steel, making sure motherfuckers,
Keep their word.

This poem is Copyright © BSteel

If you wish to use any poem for any purpose, please either EMAIL Mick from
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If you Email Mick for permission on any poem that is not his personal works,
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This poem comes from Your Poetry Dot Com

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